Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

The introduction of Java in Eclipse

History of Eclipse

         Eclipse was originally developed by IBM to replace software IBM Visual Age for Java 4.0. This product was launched by IBM on November 5, 2001, who invested as much as U.S. $ 40 million [1] for development. Since then the Consortium Eclipse Foundation Eclipse took over for further development and organizational arrangements.

Eclipse is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop software and can run on any platform (platform-independent). Here is the nature of Eclipse:

  • Multi-platform : Eclipse target operating system is Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and Mac OS X.
  • Mulit-language : Eclipse was developed with the Java programming language, but the Eclipse-based application development support other programming languages​​, such as C / C + +, Cobol, Python, Perl, PHP, and others.
  • Multi-role : In addition to the IDE for application development, Eclipse can be used for activities in the software development cycle, such as documentation, test software, web development, and so forth.

Eclipse at the moment is one of the favorite IDE because of free and open source, which means that anyone can view the programming code of the software. Furthermore, the advantages of the Eclipse that makes it popular is its ability to be developed by users with components called plug-in.


Since version 3.0, Eclipse is essentially a kernel, which raised plug-in. What can be used in Eclipse is actually a function of the plug-in is installed. This is called the base of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). The following are the components that make up the RCP:

  • Core platform
  • OSGi
  • SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)
  • JFace
  • Eclipse Workbench

By default Eclipse JDT always comes with (Java Development Tools) plug-ins that make compatible Eclipse to develop Java programs, and PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) to develop new plug-ins. Eclipse with its plug-in is implemented in the Java programming language.

The concept Eclipse IDE is an open (open), easily expandable (extensible) for anything, and not for anything specific [2]. So, not only Eclipse to develop Java programs, but can be used for various purposes, simply by installing the plug-in required. If you want to develop a C / C + + plug-ins are CDT (C / C + + Development Tools). In addition, the development of visually not impossible by Eclipse UML2 plug-in available to create UML diagrams. By using PDE every person can make a plug-in accordance with her wishes. One site that offers free plug-ins such as the Eclipse downloads by project.

Controversy Eclipse

The presence in the middle Eclipse IDE competition, especially Java IDE, causing much controversy. One is the use of the Eclipse user interface. Sun Microsystems as a company that makes Java, has been issued two libraries for the development of Graphical User Interface (GUI), the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) and Swing. However, in the manufacture of Eclipse, the two libraries was abandoned for various reasons, one of which is the second library does not provide a good look and feel. So to it is developing a new GUI library, SWT.
In addition, Sun has its own IDE for Java development called NetBeans, Eclipse becomes stifling the presence of hitherto fairly large communities [3]. This can be seen with the Sun refused to cooperate in the Eclipse Foundation, though it was invited [4].
Name Eclipse as if giving the message explicit: Sun light (sun) which emit blocked by Eclipse (eclipse).

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