Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Attitude is Everything

Positive Thinking Attitude

"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force "Tom Bland
The reality is, whether or not an optimal outcome to be achieved, we are the ones determining. But not everyone is "able" or willing to accept this realities. Generally, rather than recognize or accept this reality  a person is more likely to blame or accuse the parties - on the other hand experienced a lack of luck. Finally, instead of constructive conditions are achieved but the opposite is destructive.
People who type this, until whenever will not be able to fix the "performance" or potential. Should, should be aware that any condition that occurs or circumstances applicable, the cause and not the others. But it is yourself. Mindful of this reality it should anytime and anywhere, always maintained a positive attitude to life. How, no other is to have:STANDARD SELF, for example:
Work on this day, will not be done for the next day. Or a job today, be completed on this day.
Regardless of the planned work program, unprepared to be "on time".
It will not run away from reality and always held responsible for anything that has been done or delegated.
Happy to accept the challenge, never give up and believe yourself a solid and sturdy.
It will not be deterred, both criticized and praised when.
No discrimination and universal vision.
HARD WORK. The definition of hard work is hard work within limits - limits firmly and clearly so as to produce optimal results and quality. "Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can" Lowell Thomas
3.Deft. Whatever is done, both quantity and quality in, must always be good and progressive. "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation Determines what you do. Attitude Determines how well you do it "Lou Holtz
CONTROLLED EMOTIONS. Good and bad conditions, emotional well controlled so that any policy that is applied, the direction is constructive. Logically, uncontrolled emotions, the impact is destructive. Because when these, the most dominant role is it - the irrational direction. "Emotion turning back on itself, and not leading on to thought or action, is the element of madness" John Sterling
OPTIMISTIC VIEWS, for example:
Where there is a will, there is a way
While there is a life, there is a hope.
The reality is that an optimistic outlook is a significant contribution in achieving success. Case in point, if the A is optimistic that its products will be easily absorbed by the market then kesuksesanlah fruit. But if on the contrary it up at any time, the product will keep piling up in warehouses. "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity" Winston Churchill
GOOD MORAL, which includes:

Not doing illegal acts, whether made by the government and the effect on local customs.
Any action done, not harm or hurt other people.
Whatever is done, everything is legal, which in addition to benefit themselves but also others.
Love and happy acts commendable deeds, for example: charity.
Suave, polite and honest with anyone.
"The personal life deeply lived always Expands into truths beyond itself" Anais Nin
WISELY, for example:
Whatever is done, is essentially neutral and fair and does not harm any party, too.
Any words and actions of the body, the direction is positive, without limitation restrictions ethnicity, religion, tribe and others.
Whatever is done, the effect is positive, which always gives peace, calm, peace and serenity.
Able and willing to accept whatever happens reality and evaluate it.
ON PROMISES. Each phrase uttered, always kept. For him, whose name is a promise of debt and should be paid.

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