Selasa, 31 Juli 2012


“Attitude is a little thing, but can make big differences”

Attitude is a little thing,
but it can create a big change

Keller is a woman who lost the use of the senses of hearing and vision since the age of 19 months. But when it is aware of himself, he was always grateful to God. "I thank God for all cacatku. I suffer because of disability, I managed to find myself, my work and my God, "said the graduate of Harvard University in America. With the power of faith, he can do as a human function optimally, ie, as a literary writer and a teacher of the blind and deaf.
Meaning of Thanksgiving
Your attitude at all times have an important role to the success or happiness. But the manner how, so that we can embrace success and happiness? None other is the attitude of 'gratitude' or thanking God for whatever we get in this world, despite the blind (physically) as Helen Keller though.
A number of scientists from leading universities in the world reveals that human potential can dig more deeply and widely with a positive attitude. Namely, with gratitude that. Based on the research of thousands of people who are successful and educated, has concluded that 85% of the success of each individual is influenced by a positive attitude. While the ownership of the skill or technical expertise only act of remaining 15%.
A positive attitude also has a larger role in business services and network marketing business. It can be said that achieving success in the business services and network marketing business is very easy, as long as done with a positive attitude. There is a words of wisdom that says, "Your attitude not aptitude Determine your altitude" (Your attitude is not talent or intelligence, but to determine the level of your success).
A positive attitude can be improved, which of course takes a long time. Namely, from the experience and awareness and learn to think positively. Due to be able to be positive, a person will be affected by several factors. Among other things, the spiritual factor or the ability to be grateful, aspirations or dreams and the ability to create power or spirit in man himself, will greatly affect a person's attitude.
These factors provide control over one's attitude in choosing the best response for the events experienced. Spiritual forces affect a person's ability to see the positive side of every event. The power of faith makes a person would be able to interpret all the phenomena of life as a valuable lesson, which can generate more value in themselves.
it was a few descriptions of how important a person's nature. so keep your attitude so that you achieve success in the future. : D and to be kind and helpful to the nation: D (Amin)

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