Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Tips Eliminate nature Lazy


Laziness is actually the kind of mental illness. Whoever will feel a sense of lazy and messy performance is obviously very detrimental. Success in career, business and life generally never comes to people who are lazy. Too lazy to describe the loss of a sense of one's motivation to do the job or what he really wants.
According to (Edy Zaqeus: 2008) Feeling lazy interpreted as reluctance someone to do something that should or should he do. Included in the family are feeling lazy cop out, no discipline, no diligence, sense of shy, likes to put things off, distract yourself from liability, etc..
Another opinion says that lazy is also one form of negative behaviors that harm. Because this lazy considerable influence on productivity.
Because lazy, one often does not even have a stag productive. Body feels sluggish, enthusiasm and passion to decline, the idea was not flowing. Consequently there is no any power that makes you able to work. If left alone, it will be more indolent disease 'chronic'.
In the era of globalization, lazy behavior is very harmful. Because, in this era who is able to apply the value and productive, he will succeed. But of course, this behavior is not a dead card that can not be changed.
According to psychologists, people behave lazy to work or an activity because he did not have a strong motivation to do something every time.
A lazy to work, the motivation to work is very low. His attitude towards the job tend to be negative due to the perception that it provides to work less well. This is because the value system that was in him to make him behave lazy to do the job. While the work of others may not be so.

Lazy can be avoided when it comes to attack our will and spirit, here are a few tips include:
1. Wash your face or shower when the sleep attack.
2. Changing the sitting position while reading. For example, changing from seated to standing, but it is advisable not to lay hold of the seat can be dangerous or excessive sleep.
3. Switching from the reading room to another room. If a child can be tricked boarding, move from our room to the veranda boarding, living room or even the kitchen too.
4. A breath of fresh air by standing near the window or open the windows of other rooms to add freshness. As children boarding can be tricked by creating aroma therapy, such as by spraying the room with scent and if there is a fan, the fan can be set to spread the fragrance to any room. Because not all children boarding rooms have windows.
5. Took a short walk around the house. Can be replaced by other activities such as tidying the messy shelves, or other activities that could move our muscles.
6. Chatted briefly with family or friends about it permissible friend but not ugliness. Be careful not to forget the main goal in conversation is to foster the spirit, not to talk even to backbiting.
7. Stood up to make a cup of coffee, tea, milk or juice to relieve boredom and clear mind.
8. Changing compliance activities. If you bored memorizing letters changed to read, if it can be replaced with a bored reading the study by listening to the CD.
Those are some tips so that we do not furthest from indolent disease. However, the most important lest we forget always pray that Allah gives us the spirit and to distance ourselves from these indolent disease.

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